Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Facts- I know that the Earth is warming up due to Green house gas emissions,for an example water without the use of fuels. As this will result in the emission of greenhouses which could further pollute the environment.

Ideas- using natural material to create some thing we use in daily life,using only the sun heat to power our device. The device will then be able to produce clean water, and then the water would be drip onto your water bottle, where all u have to do is put it there and let it collect water

Information- research on ways to reduce lesser emission of green house gases , a material which is light affordable at the same time. Something which also is water-proof, bio-degradable, and does not turn rotten easily.

Action-Conduct experiments, to test out the material in different weather conditions.

Find where sells the most affordable material, and choose the cheaper one.

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